When to Consider Surgery for Endometriosis

When to Consider Surgery for Endometriosis

Endometriosis typically causes chronic pelvic pain and severe menstrual symptoms and affects more than 11% of American women between the ages of 15 and 44. It can negatively affect your sex life while also interfering with fertility.

Endometriosis forms scar tissue that can damage organs and cause pain if left untreated. In some circumstances, the lining of your uterus can grow elsewhere throughout your pelvis while still behaving as functional uterine tissue throughout your menstrual cycle. This misplaced tissue can grow around reproductive organs, portions of the intestine, your bladder, and more. 

Treatment typically starts with conservative methods. You may find long-term relief through surgery when these fail to prevent significant symptoms. The team at Serrano OB-GYN specializes in minimally invasive procedures to rid your body of endometrial tissue outside of the womb. You’ll experience reduced or eliminated symptoms and chronic pain associated with the condition.

Endometriosis symptoms

Though it can affect women of any age, endometriosis most frequently affects those between the ages of 30 and 50. Pelvic pain is the most common sign, and endometriosis can interfere with getting pregnant. Other signs and symptoms of endometriosis include:

Endometriosis can cause constipation, diarrhea, nausea, or bloating, worsening during menstrual periods. Between periods, there may be intermittent bleeding or spotting. As well as causing inflammation, endometrial tissue can form scar tissue that blocks your fallopian tubes.

Treating endometriosis

Treatment typically starts with conservative therapies, including medication-based pain management, but this is generally not a long-term solution. Pain medications are sometimes combined with hormone therapies to reduce the frequency and severity of symptoms. When these methods fail to produce satisfactory relief, treatment turns to surgery. 

Surgical approaches

Following through with the progression of conservative options first, Dr. Serrano draws on his expertise with the da Vinci® robotic surgical system. The da Vinci device uses special tools with precision far beyond the unaided human hand, permitting delicate, minimally invasive approaches to endometriosis treatment. 

For patients who still want to get pregnant, Dr. Serrano targets the misplaced endometrial tissue to remove it and any scar tissue that’s formed because of its presence. The da Vinci system is versatile enough to clear fallopian tube blockages to aid fertility. 

If you’re past your reproductive years, Dr. Serrano may recommend a hysterectomy to eliminate the chances of uterine lining spreading through your pelvis. Once again, the da Vinci system offers its precision with minimally invasive approaches to removing the uterus. You can opt for surgery to leave the ovaries to delay the onset of menopause. 

Call or click to schedule a consultation with our practice. There’s no reason why you need to live with the pain and distraction of endometriosis. Book your visit today.

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